Encouraging children to develop their knowledge about the country’s musical culture we are inquiring about, what best way than approaching them to one of the most successful and influential British pop-music groups.
Could you guess which?

“In the town where I was born…lived a man who sailed to sea…


Creating meaningful learning environments and experiences nurture children’s life-long curiosity and cultivate their innate love for learning.

…besides, recognising the legacy of the Beatles songs and music.









Don’t you think they are wonderful?

Como hemos visto en todas las culturas, la música forma una parte muy importante de nuestras vidas.
Por eso han interactuado y explorado una gran variedad de instrumentos musicales, estimulando su curiosidad por sus sonidos e invitándoles a moverse y bailar según sus ritmos.

“We all live in a Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine, Yellow submarine.”